Paris Psychoanalytical Society/SPP

Société Psychanalytique de Paris


SPP aims to transmit and develop psychoanalysis as a scientific discipline and a therapeutic method based on the work of Freud

Members, Candidates

Members : 579
Analysts in training : 206

Short History

Founded in 1926 by Princess Marie Bonaparte, Lowenstein and Laforgue, the SPP had to be reorganized after WW2. Divergent opinions about the formation of candidates resulted in a split in 1953. The SPP remains the oldest and largest French IPA Society working closely with the Societies that emerged from the split, the APF in 1964 and the SPRF in 2004.

More about the history of the psychoanalytical movement in France can be read on the web site

Training Institute

Training model: French model

Inaugurated in 1934, the first Institute closed during WWII. Re-opened in 1954, under the direction of S. Nacht, its dynamism and divergences led to the development of the French Model of formation. Nowadays, two regional Institutes, one in Lyon and one in Toulouse complete the possibility for candidates to follow their formation.

Free clinic / Councelling

Since 1958, the Centre de Consultation et de Traitement Psychanalytique Jean Favreau proposes,  in agreement with the National Health service,  free analysis, some of which are carried out by analysts in trainning,  under supervision.

21 rue Daviel – 75013 Paris
Téléphone: 01 53 62 25 25

mail :


Created in 1934, the  Bibliothèque Sigmund Freud has one of the largest psychoanalytic collections in Europe.  Its many digital resources  benefit national and  international users.